Unlike straight business sales, a merger is when two businesses of roughly the same size and assets decide to combine their businesses, forming a new, legal businesses entity. In such a case, both former owners now have a shared interest and stake in the newly formed businesses, sharing both risks and rewards. This is especially useful for small businesses that find themselves unable to compete on their own when a larger businesses controls an unfair market share, but together, they can be serious competition for the larger business.
In a business acquisition, one business buys out a competitor and only the buyer’s business entity remains. In either case, the M & A brokers at the Allen Michael Group can assist with the search of a suitable company to merge with or acquire, business valuation of the two companies, help with financing options and navigate the complex legal steps necessary for a successful deal.
Unlike straight buying and selling of businesses, the process is more complex because it involves a business valuation of BOTH companies to determine if they’re a good fit, if sufficient funding is in place (and finding funding when it isn’t), preparing a presentation on each business for the opposite party, and negotiation of the merger or acquisition.